Welcome to the School of Manifestation!

You are invited to a unique and powerful journey into a deeper alignment with your soul's potential.  Through the School of Manifestation Courses we experience the way the Ascended Masters, Angels and the Arcturians are engaging us in a deeper communion with the positive spiritual forces that guide and influence our lives.

Teachings from The Arcturian Ancient Seven

Align with the Most Advanced ET Civilization in the Galaxy and Connect with their Living Teachings about the Earth. In this course, Heaven and Earth meet in a unique way to activate our channels with both Cosmic and Ancient Wisdom. Reunite with the gathering of Wisdom Keeping Indigenous Tribes who opens channels to contact anciently, and Remember Who You Are.


Allowing Divine Manifestation

Enter a Portal of Cocreation with the Arcturians, Angels, and Ascended Masters.

Saryon's unique style of guidance and leadership blends experiential wisdom with the consciousness of the ascended realms to help illuminate and strengthen the bridge to our higher selves.  A teleseminar with Saryon is like receiving an attunement to the energies that are seeking to anchor through our channels. Each journey represents an alignment with emerging new potentials that we have come together to explore.


Testimonials from Previous Courses

This was a very powerful experience with profound results.  It has opened me to a deeper clarity and confidence as well as my becoming a clearer channel.  Downloads received months prior to the classes were validated through the channels on the teleseminar.  My mission and vision have become much more clear.  My intuition is heightened as well.    

Arlene McGuire

Saryon – you really have an amazing way of answering questions!!  Thank you for addressing my question/fear around human unity.  Your answer moved mountains within me!   Thank you, thank you, thank you.  There are just not words for how grateful I am for this class.  I feel a great homecoming.  It is joy, it is gratitude, it is comfort, it is relief, it is relaxing.


I am grateful for Saryon’s ability to be a clear channel of the Divine. The messages that have come through him are supportive, empowering and imbued with the essences of peace and love. I am grateful for the energy downloads. They have facilitated awareness and clearing of old patterns as well as expansion of my gifts. The value of this course has been way above the monetary exchange that I invested in attending.  


Saryon’s willingness and ability to be a clear and pure channel is what brings forth this amazing and incredible opportunity to rise above the chaos of our world in order to anchor the vibrations and wisdom needed to not only propel us into the new world but to assist in creating it with our Love.


For a Limited Time, Access the Arcturian Course and all Bonus Material for only $97 -- Details Below.

That's 82% off the regular price -- a total value over $555.


Start the Journey from the beginning and include our Foundational Course . . .

Experience Allowing Divine Manifestation AND the Arcturian Course together for only $147

That's 81% off the regular price -- a total value of over $777

Details Below


Package A Includes…

Item 1

Teachings From The Arcturian Ancient Seven

7 Week Course to empower your connection with the Arcturian spiritual colleagues

This 7 week course is the perfect introduction to the Advanced ET Race known as the Arcturians and the opportunity to work with them as guides and spiritual colleagues within the Galactic Community into which we are emerging.

This course was inspired by and guided directly by a group of Arcturians that call themselves the Ancient Seven who have come to help humanity deepen our marriage to the Earth.

This 7 week course now contains an 8th bonus week in the form of a channeling from Metatron and the Arcturians that occurred much later but provided a continuation of the information from the course.

Also included is bonus material from 4 Wisdom Circle Calls with Q&Aas well as sharing from the original participants of this course.

The Arcturians are aware of everyone who choses to take this course and are able to work through the course to connect with those who sincerely open themselves to spiritual contact with their presence.  

Arcturians Week 1


Saryon explains the relationship between the Arcturians and some of the Native American tribes they were working with to weave a web of connections between worlds.

Discernment is also shared about the Galactic Spectrum of consciousness regarding ET agendas and the safety of the Arcturian presence. Info is also presented about the nature of contact with beings like the Arcturians and the difference between their vibratory level of reality and ours.

Saryon talks about his personal experiences of contacts with the Arcturians and what the Arcturians are seeking to do in their work with us. We also connect with the opening ceremony of the course and we hear a channeled message from one of the Arcturian Guides.

Arcturians Week 2 


The Arcturians focus on strengthening the human grid of group consciousness and celebrate the spiritual reunion that is taking place between souls for the purpose of uplifting human consciousness.

The Arcturians also introduce the concept of the Wisdom Circle for the group to share the wisdom that is arising from within.

More is shared about the Arcturian Portal in the School of Manifestation and how all can connect with the guides of the course personally as they attune to the portal.

This class contains a discourse on ET discernment and the Arcturian role in our awakening.

Commentary is shared on the week’s messages about our relationship to the Earth and its nature as a hologram, and how we can help awaken human consciousness through the technology of Living Words.

Arcturians Week 3 


Saryon shares a vision of how those who are drawn to this course likely know each other from a network of Native American tribes that were all connected with the Arcturians.

Messages are shared about overcoming resistance and more information is shared about the channeling process. The Arcturians talk about integrating with more joy.

Info is shared about 12-strand DNA, Adam and Eve, and the Iraq Portal.

The Arcturians predict the breaking of the seals of time and explain this aspect of our awakening and reconnection with humanity’s original divine blueprint.

We are called to reclaim the Genesis story from its traditional religious context. Saryon shares a vision about humanity’s awakening and the appearance of the Arcturian Ships in the sky after we complete the shift.

He also shares an update on the Peace Grid and gives a description of Eden as well as the Earth of the future. Info it shared about pranic breathing and the Earth’s portals.

Arcturians Week 4


The presentation begins with an awareness of the ascension timeline.

The subject of the Arcturian Angels is introduced, which begins a discussion about Angelic Integration and how the Arcturians have modeled this aspect of our human potential.

Saryon describes more about the Iraq portal and its ability to receive communication from the One, as well as our connection with this portal through the human chakra system.

We receive a transmission of energy from Mother Mary as we work to bring balance to our masculine and feminine selves. There is a guided linkup with the Arcturians and the Arcturian Angels.


Arcturians Week 5 item5

Saryon begins by talking about the animals and how the Arcturian teachings are playing out in our connection with them.

We explore more deeply our connection with the wisdom of the indigenous cultures that some of us have had incarnations with.

We also talk about the vast galactic forms of intelligence that have seeded some of the life on our world, and the nature of our world as a Living Library.

The Arcturian Ancient Seven facilitate a part of the call to activate our connection with the energies they bring.

Arcturians Week 6 


This week, Saryon channels Metatron.

Metatron gives a message about the unification of all lightworkers and describes a unifying matrix of light that is being sent into the world.

Metatron also speaks about Angelic Integration and how we are moving into this, just as the Arcturians have before.

Arcturians Week 7 


Saryon talks more about our alignment with the Angelic Energy and how we are being supported by the Arcturians to discover the same path of Angelic Integration that they experienced.

This class also explores elements of our awakening into oneness and, issues related to humanity’s denial of the ET presence and the interference happening on the part of some ET groups covertly.

We also explore our rights as galactic citizens and how the Arcturians are assisting us to enter into the New Earth.

This class includes another channeling from the Arcturians.

Arcturians Week 8 


Saryon channels Metatron and the Arcturians for a live group.

The Arcturians activate a deeper connection with an arriving collective field of oneness that is becoming present through the world’s animals.

Metatron speaks about the Arcturians and their role.

The Arcturians comment on the awakening of Metatronic speech and how this happened on their world as well during the ascension process.

Item 2

The Wisdom Calls



4 Q & A calls from The Original – NEWLY RELEASED!



Includes all of Package A

PLUS . . .

If this is your first time to Journey with the School of Manifestation, the Allowing Divine Manifestation Course is the perfect precursor to the Arcturian Course. 

These two perfectly fit together as one longer journey of the Keys of Manifestation being delivered to us through the multidimensional portal of the School. 

This is a Calling to Remember and Reconnect with our inspiring support team of Ascended Masters that are helping us from behind the scenes to fulfill our divine purpose on Earth.

Item 1

Allowing Divine Manisfestation


 An Introduction to Training with the Ascended Masters

This is a 5 week course with written channeled messages from the Masters each week along with MP3s for each weekly class. 

FEATURES/BENEFITS:This course is designed to align the consciousness of the individual with new dispensations of healing and activation for our roles as cocreators and conduits for Divine Manifestation.

The course will help to clear away a lot of different programs in human consciousness that impede a more natural and graceful manifestation process. Look at the testimonials and you will hear how other participants described the benefits.

Week 1

Allowing Divine Manifestation

Saryon introduces the concept of multidimensional education and the inner plane teaching centers that are interacting with our souls to support our spiritual growth and how this relates to the emerging field of unity consciousness on the planet.

This begins the process of linking with the energy of the Ascended Masters through the inner plane classroom of this 5-week course.

Saryon then begins to explain more about the place of each of the three masters of the School (Sananda, Mother Mary, and Saint Germain) and about our journey to walk in alignment with them during the course.

This is followed by a channeling from the Masters and they take us on a journey to receive more of their gifts as they share their wisdom aboutAllowing Divine Manifestation. Together, the Masters work to prepare us for the challenges and wonders of humanity’s global transformation.

Week 2

Allowing Divine Manifestation


Saryon elaborates on this week’s written messages from the Masters by talking about the Inner Plane classroom that was described by Saint Germain and how this relates to the process of channeling.

This leads to a teaching on how to set up one’s channeling space and a deeper into an exploration of our training as channels.

This is a more complete introduction to training with the Ascended Masters as part of our journey in life.

Next we work with the energy of Acceptance before moving into a discourse on ascension: misconceptions about it, and discernment about ascension techniques.

Finally, we look at some key lessons in abundance, replacing negative affirmations with positive ones, and Allowing Divine Manifestation.

We also touch upon the ownership versus stewardship models and aligning with the emerging field of common wealth in the world.

Week 3

Allowing Divine Manifestation 


This third class contains a group meditation/activation with the Angels and Ascended Masters of the School and guides people into a restoration of the frequency of gold in human consciousness.

There is an informative discourse on the Ancient Mystery Schools and how elemental frequencies such as gold functioned as manifestation energy in human consciousness.

This class goes deeper into Allowing Divine Manifestation and explores our connection to the emerging model of stewardship that is awakening to replace the old ownership model of how we relate to resources.
Q and A addresses such topics as Ascension, concepts of the 4thand 5th dimension, Ascension Activations and a discerning look at some of the teachings of “ascension”.

There is also and in-depth presentation on working with Saint Germain and the Violent Flame, and a group of Arcturian guides are introduced to the School.


Week 4

Allowing Divine ManifestationSaryonMWs6week4pack2aura

This fourth class starts with a protection meditation followed by more lessons on how to work with the Violet Flame.

Saint Germain prompts some messages about the work of the School and reiterates his offer to help us increase our sense of self worth. More stories and lessons are shared about manifestation energy and, reclaiming the misplaced power of our manifestation energy while transcending the illusion that our wealth is outside of us.

Next there is a discourse on the One-One Vibration and its role in restoring our manifestation power.

A prophecy is shared about how this key will help manifest a unification in human consciousness, and how relates to how Jesus activated a part of humanity’s awakening during his ministry.

The Arcturians also have a role to play in disseminating this code of consciousness in the galaxy.

Q and A provides an informative description of the Living Light Language and its role in the evolution of consciousness. Saryon shares a prophesy of the language shift and, information about a lost, ancient reptilian civilization that contributed to humanity’s current experience of awakening.

More on working with the Violet Flame.

Week 5

Allowing Divine Manifestation


This week represents the culmination of the whole 5 week channeledprocess for aligning with our potential to Allow Divine Manifestation to move through us as channels. Saint Germain,Sananda, and Mother Mary all cocreate a profound activation of the work of the School of Manifestation on the inner planes through our consciousness as the School is revealed as a platform for the growth of a part of humanity’s collective chakra system.

Lots of wonderful insights and inspiration are shared that connect us with the future of a promised age of peace and prosperity. This is just the beginning.

Item 4

The Arcturian Portal

DESCRIPTION: This bonus week was added onto the Allowing Divine Manifestation 5 week course to bridge people into the next phase of the work with our Arcturian guides. In this class we explore the New Manifestation energy and connect with our Arcturian Guides as they begin to support us with a process of Manifesting through Aligning With Spiritual Power.

Included in this bonus week is also a full 2-hour video seminar on ET Contact that is very comprehensive in explaining both the opportunities and challenges of contact.


FEATURES/BENEFITS: This set of presentations will open your spiritual eyes to the reality of contact and provide both inspiration and discernment about where the process is going. Both the audio recording and the video seminar are excellent introductions into the next level of the course work in the School of Manifestation so that you get a preview of what lies ahead.



Package A

Teachings From The Arcturian Ancient Seven


82% off
A Total Value over $555
JUST $97!
Or choose our 2-pay option
$48.50 x 2
(Make One Payment Today and One in 30 Days)


Package B

All of Package A Plus!

     Allowing Divine Manifestation

81% off
A Total Value over $777
JUST $147! 
Or choose our 2-pay option
$73.50 x 2
(One Payment Today and 1 Payment in 30 days)
Limited Time Only

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