Article Series Archive, From the Angels and Ascended Masters, Jesus, The New DNA

What is Awakening in Our DNA (6 of 7): The Twelve in One

The Revelation of Oneness would be incomplete without the teachings of Jesus that were sealed until the time of humanity’s awakening. There were many pieces of the puzzle that could not be presented openly because we would not have understood and, it would have distracted people from the parts of Jesus’ teachings that were more […]

Article Series Archive, The New DNA

What is Awakening in Our DNA (5 of 7): The Revelation of Oneness

There is a revelation of oneness awakening in our DNA that is accelerating our spiritual growth like nothing before. This revelation was, perhaps, first present for the human species through the short-lived dispensation of Adam and Eve whose mission when awry. During the time that they were operating in full alignment with Source, this revelation […]