Packed with great info, new awareness, spiritual insights and an excellent introduction to the School of Manifestation Courses, these two interviews below are not to be missed.
NOTE: The package discount of the courses spoken of in this interview has been discontinued. If you are interested in future offerings, stay tuned. I will make a new offer on the next series with Judy!
Saryon more than delivered………
“Thank you about the message about the Pools of Peace, And that everyone is worthy of receiving Peace at any moment!” Gabriele, Swede
“Thank you from my heart! I went through all kind of emotions during the meditation, gratitude, tears, irritation, peace again and much gratitude again, much love, I’ll do anything I can to stay connected! blessings” Kelly
“I DO feel this PEACE. Thank you.” Anonymous from Minneapolis
“This was one of the most amazing activations ever. I love this show; I truly feel the connection is a very special way.” Linda, Hollister“So beautiful!!!! xooxoxo
“Gorgeous! gorgeoUS ! One heart and many helping hands…..Aamen! ((((::))))). Judy you are the best. And your guest is phenomenal. Infinite thank you z and wow. Yes! YES!!!” Carrie with a “C”
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Training with the Ascended Masters Q & A
Saryon Michael White, Channel and Intuitive Consultant,
and Judy Anderson“Your work is beautiful. I also saw the “crowds” gather. I opened my hands like a cup and received the overflowing energy which then starting pouring throughout my entire being. Feeling good :).” Rochelle“Thank you Michael for this much needed activation. Blessings” Babs,Ireland
“I felt hands on mine and finally I saw in front of me a center from which many colours were moving as sunrays but with rainbow colours.”Gabriella, Italy
Be Inspired by a “World Report” by Saryon
Learn about the latest “Outbreak” ….near end of show.
You’re never alone, ask your Angels to be with you, to guide you.
Saryon is sooo easy to love……….listen in to the second interview!
Potent Program that is Filled with “Saryonian” Energy!
http://jazzupyourlifewithjudy. com/Saryon6
Hello Saryon
I Love Love Love the course. I am wanting to I purchased the program from John Buros. What a wonderful message t I feel so attuned to this course. Thank you!
I am wondering if you will have a special for the next course the Arturians. I an working on prosperity at this time and will find away to purchase soon. You are truly a gift to the world…. Love Carolyn
Actually I will have a special on the Arcturian Course coming up. I am preparing everything now for the upcoming shows. Will be on John Burgos again on the 10th of March